Monday, 13 April 2015

Kim & Kanye get North West baptized in Jerusalem(Photos)

Wow! just imagine been flown to Jerusalem to be baptized! That is just a trend been set right there. 
So in the next few weeks i will start seeing pictures of Nigerians taking their cute babes and flying half way around the world to just do some basic christian rites for their children in Jerusalem.

The Wests visited a centuries-old  Armenian church called Saint James Cathedral  in Jerusalem's Old City.
Archbishop Aris Shirvanian, an Armenian church official, said the family had arrived for a baptism ceremony.
So haters out there pls dont hate on them, i konw for a fffact that i and many of  you out there are dream of a chance to fly out just once, so dont post hate comments cause the humans beings like you took,

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