I have to be on this plane, i will send emailsss to the company lol but Damn men!
But cool down your horses its just a protoype #sad
The plane is supposdely said to take about 300,000 (i wish) sorry 300 people to anywhere in the world in just 4 hours! So the geeks from Reaction Engines are responsible for this sweet holy angel!
The company eventually hopes to use its cooling technology AKA THE PRECOOLER to build a plane that transports 300 passengers and flies like a rocket. It will “transform high-speed aviation,” Bond says, adding, “we have no competitors. We are unique.”
The aircraft itself will measure 276 feet long, and be called the Skylon. It would take off and land horizontally (like a plane), which would make it easier to reuse than a standard rocket. But in addition to the $US1.1 billion price tag for each one, there’s another big downside: The Skylon has no windows (which is kind of a new trend for future planes), a major bummer for those excited to fly in space.